The Multifunctional Interface Laboratory of Electrochemistry (MILE) specializes in studying interfacial materials and phenomena, with a particular emphasis on molecular reactions occurring at the electrode/liquid/gas interface. Our research is driven by three main areas of focus:
Green Electrochemical Synthesis and Conversion: We investigate environmentally sustainable electrochemical methods to synthesize and convert small molecules using ionic liquids, contributing to a greener and more efficient chemical industry.
Advanced Bio-Interfaces for Molecule Quantification and Biomarker Detection: Our team develops innovative bio-interface systems with predictable and customizable properties, enabling precise quantification of small molecules and biomarker detection in both in vivo and in vitro settings. This research has significant implications for diagnostics and personalized medicine.
Multifunctional Composite Materials: We explore the design, synthesis, and applications of multifunctional composite materials with a wide range of properties, opening new avenues for advanced materials development in various industries.
By combining our expertise in these areas, MILE aims to generate cutting-edge insights and drive technological advancements at the forefront of chemistry, materials science and interface engineering.

01.26, 2024
Dr. Wang gave a talk about electrochemistry-based biosensors at The Detroit Chapter of the Electrochemical Society at their Coffee Fueled Electrochemistry seminar series in the Department of Chemistry, Wayne State University. Thanks Dr. Luo Long and Dr. Ankun Yang's invitation!
01.10, 2024
We are proud to share our latest achievement: "OU Chemistry Professor Developing Low-Cost Opioid Detection Device for Law Enforcement." This innovative project by MILEs at OU News is making headlines! Learn more: https://www.oakland.edu/oumagazine/news/cas/2024/ou-chemistry-professor-developing-low-cost-opioid-detection-device-for-law-enforcement.
12.23, 2023
Christopher Alexopoulos and Lola Davis won the honored thesis awards. Congratulates!
12.19, 2023
Dr. Wang's fellowship has been officially approved by the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3). Sincere gratitude to the Board and Trustees of IOM3 for their support and recognition.
12.09, 2023
Paper "Development of silicon-based anode for lithium-ion batteries and its application in solid-state electrolytes" is accepted by Engineered Science. Congrats to Ethan Burcar!
12.05, 2023
Paper "An overview of green synthesized silver nanoparticles towards bioactive
antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal applications" is accepted by Advances in Colloid and Interface Science. Congrats to Erin Witherspoon!​
10.01, 2023
MILEs have received a research award from the National Institute of Justice for our upcoming project titled, "Developing a Portable and Fast Opioid Assessment Tool for Improved Field Decision-Making." Over the next two years, we will be working on this initiative in collaboration with MSU. Stay tuned for more updates on this promising endeavor!
06.28, 2023
Exciting news! The 2022 Impact Factor for 'Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials' has just been released, and it stands at an impressive 20.1. This is a testament to the high-quality research and dedication of our journal's authors, reviewers, and editors. Congratulations to everyone involved in this achievement!
06.23, 2023
Paper "Species-selective detection of volatile organic compounds by ionic liquid-based electrolyte using electrochemical methods" is accepted by ACS Sensor. Congrats to Erin Witherspoon!
05.08, 2023
Welcome new students Aleksandra Kaci and SUMP student Alexa Bajouwa!
04.18, 2023
Dr. Wang gave an invited talk titled "The Designed Biosensor for Point-of-Care Diagnosis" at the American Chemical Society's Detroit section-Brewing Chemistry.
03.18, 2023
Dr. Wang gave an invited talk titled "Small Molecule Drug Assay Derived from Intermolecular Interaction-Enabled Recognition (iMR) for Personal Therapy" at the "Micro- and Nano-Probes and Multifunctional Systems for Enhancing Theranostics" symposium during Pittcon 2023.
03.03, 2023
The new paper "Chemical composition, pharmacodynamic activity of processed Aconitum Brachypodum Diels. and molecular docking analysis of its active target" is accepted by Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials.
04.24, 2023
Fatima and her project is featured by Oakland University News at https://www.oakland.edu/oumagazine/news/chemistry/2023/ou-student-helps-create-new-method-to-detect-early-osteoarthritis
Great work!
02.27, 2023
Erin Witherspoon won the Graduate Fellowship from Michigan Space Grant.
Christopher Alexopoulos won the Faculty Led Undergraduate Fellowship from Michigan Space Grant.
Congrats! Great work!
01.30, 2023
Erin Witherspoon won the president research award. Congrats!
01.03, 2023
The new paper "Semiconductive Biocomposites Enabled Portable and Interchangeable Sensor for Early Osteoarthritis Joint Inflammation Detection" is accepted by Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials. Congrats to Fatima Bhatti and Erin Witherspoon!
11.20, 2022
Dr. Wang gave a talk at the Chemistry department of the University of Toledo.
11.10, 2022
Dr. Wang gave a talk at the Chemistry department of Michigan State University.
12.29, 2022
The new paper "Superior Photodynamic Effect of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes in Aprotic Media: A Kinetic Study" is accepted by Materials Today Energy. Congrats to Erin Witherspoon!
10.18, 2022
The new paper "Highly Selective Electrochemical Synthesis of Urea Derivatives Initiated from Oxygen Reduction in Ionic Liquids" is accepted by ACS Omega. Congrats to Erin Witherspoon, Dr. Pinghua Ling and William Winchester!
10.12, 2022
The new paper "Isolation, Identification and Pathogenic Effects of Trichoderma spp. from Auricularia auricula" is accepted by Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials (IF: 11.8). Congrats to William Winchester!
08.17, 2022
The new paper "Synthesis and characterization of poly(butanediol sebacate-butanediol) terephthalate (PBSeT) reinforced by hydrogen bond containing amide group with good mechanical properties and improved water vapor barrier." is accepted by Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials (IF: 11.8). Congrats to William Winchester!
06.09, 2022
The new paper "Fentanyl Assay Derived from Intermolecular Interaction Enabled Small Molecule Recognition (iMSiR) with Differential Impedance Analysis for Point-of-Care Testing" is accepted by Analytical Chemistry. Congrats to Dr. Amit Nautiyal, Christopher Alexopoulos, and Rania Aqrawi!
05. 25, 2022
Erin Witherspoon's coauthor paper "Sustainable Generator and In-situ Monitoring for Reactive Oxygen Species using Photodynamic Effect of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes in Ionic Liquids" is accepted by Materials Today Sustainability. Congrats!
05. 01, 2022
Welcome New student Emma Knakal joining MILE. She will work on ionic liquid electrochemistry work.
Feb. 11, 2022
Christopher Alexopoulos and Dr. Wang won the 2022 Michigan Space Grant Awards. Congrats to Chris! Thanks NASA and Michigan Space Grant Consortium!
Feb. 6, 2022
William Winchester completed his cumulative tests for Ph.D. Congrats!
Jan. 15, 2022
Erin Witherspoon is accepted by the OU Ph.D. program starting in fall 2022. Congrats to Erin!
Jan,10, 2022
Welcome new student Blaire De Wilde Kohler joining MILE.
Oct. 15, 2021
Dr. Wang won the 2021 Taylor Travel Award from the Midwestern Universities Analytical Chemistry Conference (MUACC).
Oct. 15, 2021
Dr. Wang gave an invited talk at the Midwestern Universities Analytical Chemistry Conference (MUACC) 2021 at The Ohio State University.
Oct. 15, 2021
Erin Witherspoon, Christopher Alexopoulos, and Rana Aqrawi gave the poster presentations at Midwestern Universities Analytical Chemistry Conference (MUACC) 2021 at The Ohio State University.
July, 02, 2021
The paper "Ferrimicrobium acidiphilum exchanges electrons with a platinum electrode via a cytochrome with reduced absorbance maxima at 448 and 605 nm" was accepted by Frontiers in Microbiology. Congrats!
Mar. 10, 2021
Welcome new students Erin Witherspoon, Christopher Alexopoulos, Rana Aqrawi, Ethan Dimock joining MILE supported through the summer research program.
Mar. 23, 2021
The review paper "Identification of Human Coronavirus: An Overview on
Conventional, Newly Developed and Alternative Methods" was accepted by ES Food & Agroforestry.
Mar. 23, 2021
William Winchester won the Graduate Research Assistant Tuition (GReAT) award. Congrats!
Jan. 25, 2021
Dr. Zhe Wang accepted the new position as Associate Editor at ES Materials & Manufacturing.
Jan. 01, 2021
William Winchester won the Student Research Scholarship. Congrats
Jan. 01, 2021
Welcome, Mr. William Winchestor joining MILE as a Ph.D. Student.
Jan. 01, 2021
Dr. Wang received the Faculty Research Fellowship entitled “Attachable Sensor Technique for Opioid Drugs Monitoring”.
Dec. 01, 2020
Co-author paper “Synthesis and Characterization of Antiflammable Vinyl Ester Resin Nanocomposites with Surface functionalized Nanotitania” was accepted by ES Materials & Manufacturing.
Sep. 01, 2020
Dr. Wang’s review paper “Ionic Liquids as “Green Solvent and/or Electrolyte” for Energy Interface” was accepted by Engineered Science.
Aug 01, 2020
Dr. Wang accepted an appointment from Oakland University
Wang's Lab starts to accept Ph.D. and MS graduate applications.
Feb 28, 2019
Dr. Xu's work is accepted by Journal of Hazardous Materials
This paper titled "Ultra-thin iron phosphate nanosheets for high efficient U(VI) adsorption" was accepted by Journal of Hazardous Materials. Congrats to Dr. Xu
Feb 25, 2019
Welcome visiting scholars Dr. Xu and Dr. Ding
Feb 25, 2019
Welcome New Postdoctral researcher Dr. Amit Nautiyal join MILE
Sep 01, 2018
DOD research grant
MILE received this 3-year research grant to develop ionic liquid-based electrochemical explosive sensor. Dr. Wang is the PI of this grant.
Aug 29, 2018
National Science Foundation (NSF) - Excellence in Research
MILE acts as the Co-investigating group received this NSF-EiR award to conduct the bio-interface research work. Dr. Wang is a Co-PI of this grant.
Aug 28, 2018
National Science Foundation (NSF) - Excellence in Research
MILE received this NSF-EiR award to conduct the ionic liquid electrochemical interface research work in the collaborative mechanism. Dr. Wang is the PI of this grant.
Jul 30, 2018
Welcome Dr. Lin joining in MILE
Dr. Lin is currently supported by NIH-RCMI research center to conduct biosensor and ionic liquid interface project.
Jun 20, 2018
Welcome new students enrolled in 2018-2019 research loop
Welcome NSF supported student Morgan Reed, Jamie Ferrari, Carmel Marion join MILE.
May 21, 2018
Welcome new students for summer research
Welcome new BUILD student William Winchester join MILE.​
Apr 11, 2018
Congrats to Dr. Huang
Dr. Zhuangyuan Huang is taking a tenure-track faculty position. He has been working in MILE for three years. Congrats~
Mar 26, 2018
MILERs presented their work in the ACS National Conference
Dr. Wang and Dr. Huang gave the oral presentations
D'Laren, Macy, Brandon, and Patricia gave the poster presentations
Carolyn got an accepted abstract.
Mar 30, 2018
Dr. Yan Zhang and Dr. Huang's paper was accepted by Analytical Chemistry
Titled "Point-of-Care Determination of Acetaminophen Levels with Multi-Hydrogen Bond Manipulated Single-Molecule Recognition (eMuHSiR)"
Feb 26, 2018
MILERs presented their work at PITTCON
Brandon Dang and Patrica Pham presented their work at PITTCON conference at Orlando
Feb 21, 2018
Dr. Wang present current work at NSF Annual PI meeting at DC
Mar 01, 2017
National Science Foundation (NSF) - Research Initiate Award
MILE received this award to conduct small molecule electrochemical conversion in the ionic liquids.